630 research outputs found

    Topologie komplexer Sätze und Textverstehen. Zur Stellung von Verbletztsätzen mit weil

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    Für die Stellung der Nebensätze scheint es oft Alternativen zu geben. So können Verbletztsätze mit weil, die den Subjunktorphrasen zugerechnet werden, verschiedene Positionen in der übergeordneten Konstruktion einnehmen. Zwischen Konstruktionen mit Subjunktorphrasen in verschiedenen Stellungen gibt es allerdings Unterschiede. Diese Unterschiede können den semantischen Bezug der Subjunktorphrase zum Rest der Konstruktion und die Gliederung der Gesamtkonstruktion in kommunikative Minimaleinheiten betreffen. ln Sachtexten sind die topologischen Möglichkeiten von Subjunktorphrasen und die Möglichkeiten der informationsstrukturellen Gestaltung der Gesamtkonstruktionen eingeschränkt. Hier können sich für die geschriebene Sprache spezifische Ambiguitäten in Bezug auf die Fokus-Hintergrund-Gliederung und die Gliederung in kommunikative Minimaleinheiten ergeben, was vom Textautor zu bedenken ist

    Zur Stellung der Relativsätze

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    Niedrigfrequente grammatische Phänomene als sprachliche Zweifelsfälle

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    Some grammatical phenomena that only seldom appear in the corpora of written language often coincide with Speakers' uncertainty about a given form's grammatical Status. Such display of uncertainty is often subject to prescriptive criticism, which pays little attention to actual usage. However, thorough and discriminating corpus analyses can help in a proper description of various low-frequency phenomena and in situating them more adequately in the grammatical System, against the background of different contexts, communicative situations, and language varieties. To exemplify this potential, this study examines three linguistic phenomena in German, using a corpus-based approach: the dative singular ending -e, the construction aus aller Herren Länder, which lacks the dative plural ending -t and the non-standard preterite form frug. The results can be seen as a contribution to a more precise grammatical description on the one hand and, on the other, as a basis for an improved, more usage-oriented approach in providing practical advice to language users.Leckteré gramatické jevy, které se v korpusech psaných textu vyskytují jen zřídka, vzbuzují u mnoha, uživatelů jazyka pochyby. Tyto případy jsou často předmětem normativní jazykové kritiky, která se o úzus mnoho nestará. Avšak pečlivé a diferencované korpusové analýzy mohou pomoci popsat i mnohé nízkofrekvenční jevy a adekvátněji je začlenit do systému na pozadí různých kontextu, komunikativních situací a variet K exemplifikaci tohoto stanoviska byly korpusově zkoumány tři jevy německého jazyka: koncovka -e v dativu sg., konstrukce typu aus aller Herren Länder, v níž chybí plu-rálová koncovka -n, a nestandardní préteritální forma firug. Na výsledky tohoto výzkumu lze pohlížet na jedné straně jako na příspěvek k preciznějšímu gramatickému popisu a na straně druhé jako na východisko pro kvalitnější poradenskou praxi, orientovanou na reálný úzus


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    Zweifelsfälle in der Wortstellung im 18. Jahrhundert

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    The syntactic rules of today's High German are generally thought to have crystallized during the 18th century. One can therefore expect that during that time the processes of grammaticalization had a particular influence on doubtful cases in the usage of language. The syntactic development varied from region to region and was accompanied by theoretical controversies. One of the controversial issues was word order. The debates focused primarily on the order in verbal complexes and on the possibility of extraposing simple components and dependent clauses. This paper is based on the assumption that the theoretical controversies in some way reflected the doubtful cases in the usage of language. In order to identify the actual variants, the theoretical controversies will be outlined first. Then the analysis will focus on whether and how these variants were used in a corpus of 18th century texts. The objective is to determine the language-internal, sociological, and geographical factors of the variants' usage and thus to model the situations in which the doubtful cases ocurred. In conclusion, the following issues will be discussed: the relationship between the doubtful cases and diachronic language developments, the language-external factors of the doubtful cases, and the approach of language theorists to doubtful cases

    Parallel Searching for a First Solution

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    A parallel algorithm for conducting a search for a first solution to the problem of generating minimal perfect hash functions is presented. A message-based distributed memory computer is assumed as a model for parallel computations. A data structure, called reverse trie (r-trie), was devised to carry out the search. The algorithm was implemented on a transputer network. The experiments showed that the algorithm exhibits a consistent and almost linear speed-up. The r-trie structure proved to be highly memory efficient


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